Week 13 (4/27-5/1) Instructions

For week 13, you have three primary tasks.

  1. Complete peer review of the two drafts *BELOW* yours in this document by 4 pm on Monday, April 27. It’s important that everyone reviews the two below theirs so that you each receive feedback from two of your peers. To leave feedback for your classmate, simply open the google doc in the right-hand column under “Peer Review Doc.” There you will find the instructions for peer review. Please make sure to add your name so I can give you credit for completing the peer review assignment. 
  2. Attend your small group conference, if you haven’t already. 
  3. Use the feedback you got from peer review to revise your draft. Send me a complete draft for feedback by 4 pm on Wednesday, April 29. Please send either a Word Doc or a link to a Google Doc set to “Anyone with the Link can Comment.” If you’d like to submit your draft earlier, that’s fine too. I’m going to try and do a quick turnaround and get those drafts back to you ASAP so you have time to revise.

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