Keira Sullivan

Hi guys! My name is Keira, I’m an English major and I’m a Senior. I plan to acquire my English degree here at Cortland but pursue a career in Human Resources. I’ve had several internships over the past few Summers in HR and I’m looking forward to hopefully getting a great job and begin working! I’m from Queens, New York, specifically Rockaway Beach. It’s my favorite place in the world. However, I’m open to moving after college and seeing where I best fit. Cortland has been the school I wanted to go too since my early high school days and I’m very sad to be leaving here in May. Although I don’t want to leave, I’m very excited for this semester and to graduate on a good note!

2 Replies to “Keira Sullivan”

  1. Hi Keira! I like how your hometown is your favorite place in the world. I too feel that way about my town (also a beach!). I’m sure you’ll agree that even the snow is better by the beach… this snow is wild, and it’s a lot easier to cope with when you can walk next to the sea with a coat on. Looking forward to class!

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