Hi, I’m Samantha Brigandi

Hey guys I’m Sam, and I’m a junior here at Cortland doing a double major in English and Cinema Studies. Much like half of SUNY Cortland’s population, I am from Long Island – the land of better pizza. I’m really excited to be in this class and learning about Audre Lorde for the next semester. It looks like we’re going to have a really great class and from the blogs so far, I can see that everyone is also very pet-friendly. If there is anything I’m more passionate about than feminist prose – it is cute pets. I myself am mother to a 100 lbs chocolate lab, who some of you have met before and will most likely see again. Really looking forward to a great semester with you all and Prof. Savonick. Naturally, I could end this blog post no other way than with a picture (my personal favorite) of Heath.

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