Hi, I’m Noel Loguidice!

My name’s Noel. I’m an English major and this is my final semester before graduating. I’m from Ocean City, New Jersey. When I’m home, I’m on the beach as much as possible (watching the sunrise and surfing until the sun sets). And when I’m not in the water, I’m at work making acai bowls on the boardwalk or working at a juice bar off the island. My plan is to move back to Jersey after this semester, start freelance writing while working on a comic book, and save up to open up a vegan bakery. I’ve been vegan for three years, and being a voice for the animals is my passion and purpose. My best friend is a bunny named Ang. I’m excited to finish college with this class and I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you. Sending you all good vibrations this semester!

2 Replies to “Hi, I’m Noel Loguidice!”

  1. Hi Noel! I noticed you’re also from New Jersey, that’s so cool! There’s definitely not many other out-of-staters here and rarely do I ever find someone else from Jersey 🙂 Really good to meet you!

    1. I was about to comment on your post! I was so excited to see someone else from Jersey… I agree with you! Jersey’s underrated and a hidden gem it seems, so it’s nice to know that I’m not alone here! Looking forward to meeting you in class!

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