Hey it’s Megan :)

Hi guys, Megan here! I’ll start with that this is my third year at Cortland and that I am an Adolescent Ed-English major with a Psychology of disabilities minor. I really like to understand all facets of the students I am teaching and learning new ways to best teach all kinds of students. Aside from my academics, I spend most of my time reading and hanging out with my friends and family. I love old TV shows and snuggling with my cats (I have 3). I’m really looking forward to this class and getting to know you all!

2 Replies to “Hey it’s Megan :)”

  1. I have a cat as well but he lives with my siblings and dad. He looks like an old grey lion past his prime. Supposedly he is nicer now, he used to attack feet at night while you were sleeping. I hope your cats are a bit nicer!

  2. Hi Megan! I am also an education major, Inclusive Childhood and I love how important teaching is to you, I know you’ll do great. Psychology has also caught my interest ever since I took it my first semester here, especially child psych! And I 2nd snuggling with my cat. She is so fluffy and cuddly!

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