Hey, I’m Sam O

I am a second semester senior and double majoring in Art and English and minoring in Anthropology. I am currently trying to be a finalist to intern at the MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art) so please wish me luck on that. I have a calico cat named Lenny, she’s about 18 – 19, I’ve had since I was in pre-school and acts as if she just turned 3. Not entirely sure what else to add but thank you for reading!

One Reply to “Hey, I’m Sam O”

  1. Hey Sam! Its cool you have a cat that old! The cat that my mum has is about 17 and she too acts like she just turned 3! I really hope you get to be an intern at the MET, I’ve been there a few times and it is amazing! I’m getting a cat soon too, I’m naming him Pudgster but Pudge for short. Do you have any pictures of Lenny?

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