Hello, I’m Marian!

Hello! My name is Marian, but I also go by Mar. I’m 19 and a senior in the Inclusive Childhood Education major, I’m specifically concentrating on english. A little bit about me outside of academia, I’m on the EMS squad here on campus, as well as rock climbing club, habitat for humanity and ASL club. Presently I work over at the Student Life center as a building supervisor, but during the summer I go back to Spencer to work at Lions Camp Badger – a camp for the dis/abled populace that runs through July. I love working at both places and they’re helping pay for the apartment I moved into over the summer here in Cortland, as well as save for a car and other general boring things, the exciting thing it’s paying for is me to get a cat from the shelter, I think I’ll name him Pudge but I’m open to other suggestions. A bit about me otherwise in general is that I’m the youngest of 7, even my twin brother is older than me. My family runs a blacksmith shop and is quite unique. If anyone is curious about it look up Starfire swords since I know it’s a unique family business to have. If you’d like to know anything else about me feel free to ask!

One Reply to “Hello, I’m Marian!”

  1. Hey Mar, I always wanted to adopt a cat from the shelters even though I am severely allergic. Pudge being that adorable is precisely why I have committed to suffering and vowed to get a cat. I hope you keep that name for him, I love it!

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