Hailie Addison

Hi! I’m Hailie, I’m a sophomore and my major is English Adolescent Education. I plan to finish my four years here at Cortland and then hopefully move into a different state that does not require a masters degree to teach so I won’t have to go to graduate school. I also think that plan is better fit for me because I want to be a superintendent or principal so not going to grad school for my masters in teaching would save me a lot of time and money. I absolutely love Cortland and am so happy I chose this school, the last two years here have been everything I hoped my college life to be like. My home town is a very, very small town in upstate (my graduating class had 34 students in it) so coming to Cortland definitely a new experience but it’s everything I could have asked for. I’m really excited for this class and to get to know all of you!

3 Replies to “Hailie Addison”

  1. That’s crazy to me that your graduating class was 34 students because I came from a big high school of close to 900 in my graduating class. I can definitely relate when it comes to moving out of state after college because it’s something I have thought about a lot!

  2. Hey, Hailie! We have a lot in common! We’re both in the same major, and we’re both from small towns in upstate NY with small graduating classes (mine was about 30 kids!) I’m interested to know where you’re from and how your experience was in such a small school, maybe we can talk about that sometime!! I think it’s awesome that you want to move to another state after graduating, because I do too! Nice to meet you! Good luck this semester! 🙂

  3. Hi Haile! I really like that you plan to move around and see where you best fit. That’s really interesting that you want to be a principal. I feel as though not many young adults want to pursue that. My town is also super small but I didn’t go to high school where I’m from because there’s no good schools around me! I went to high school in Jamaica, Queens, which is fairly large. Very nice to meet you, looking forward to the semester!

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