Hailie Addison

Hi! I’m Hailie, I’m a sophomore and my major is English Adolescent Education. I plan to finish my four years here at Cortland and then hopefully move into a different state that does not require a masters degree to teach so I won’t have to go to graduate school. I also think that plan is better fit for me because I want to be a superintendent or principal so not going to grad school for my masters in teaching would save me a lot of time and money. I absolutely love Cortland and am so happy I chose this school, the last two years here have been everything I hoped my college life to be like. My home town is a very, very small town in upstate (my graduating class had 34 students in it) so coming to Cortland definitely a new experience but it’s everything I could have asked for. I’m really excited for this class and to get to know all of you!

Hey it’s Megan :)

Hi guys, Megan here! I’ll start with that this is my third year at Cortland and that I am an Adolescent Ed-English major with a Psychology of disabilities minor. I really like to understand all facets of the students I am teaching and learning new ways to best teach all kinds of students. Aside from my academics, I spend most of my time reading and hanging out with my friends and family. I love old TV shows and snuggling with my cats (I have 3). I’m really looking forward to this class and getting to know you all!

Hey there, I’m Brooke!

Hey everyone, my name is Brooke, and I’m currently a junior here at SUNY Cortland, as an Adolescent Education major with a focus in English. As far as fun facts go, let me try my best! My friends describe me as the creative type, probably because I’m constantly writing and drawing. Two years ago I participated in the Disney College Program, which is always a conversation starter. Recently I spontaneously decided to dye my hair purple, so that’s interesting. I’m sure throughout the semester more things will be brought up, but that’s all I have for now! I’m excited to get to know everyone this semester, and look forward to take another course with Professor Savonick (I also took ENG 252 with her in Spring 2019, she’s great!) Nice to meet you all!

Introducing Katie Hallman

Hi Everyone, I’m Katie! I’m an English Major and this is my last semester here at Cortland. Although I’m very excited for this to finally be my last semester, it is also sad with all the lasts that come with being a senior. In my free time, I love reading, writing, going to country concerts with my friends. My next one is definitely going to be Thomas Rhett. I also love spending time with my family which includes my two dogs Skoda (a 12-year old beagle) and Cooper (a 7-year-old boxer).

I took ENG 429 with Professor Savonick and it ended up being my favorite class, and I’m excited to learn more in this class this semester. Have a good semester everyone!

Hi I’m Alaina

I am an English major with a french minor. I’m an aspiring journalist who loves animals (my favorites being dogs and elephants) and traveling. I would one day love to travel the world and write articles on the culture of the places that I travel to and what I experience in those places. I love spending time with my family and pets (but I really consider them a part of my family). When I am not with my family I am either reading, working out, singing, or writing. I am really excited for this class and can’t wait to learn more about Audre Lorde and the impact she had on the literary world.


Welcome to ENG430: Audre Lorde. I’m Professor Savonick, and I can’t wait for our semester together!

Prior to our first course session, there are a few things that you can do to ensure a smooth start to the semester.

  1. Read through the syllabus. I will make small adjustments throughout the semester, but this should give you a general idea of what will be covered in our course. We will go over the syllabus on the first day of class, so please come prepared with questions.
  2. Obtain the two required books for the course.
  3. Register to use this course site. Before you are able to access readings and write blogs on our course site, you will need to register. For this course, you will be writing blogs that are publicly available. For that reason, I encourage you to sign up for an account with a username that will not disclose your identity. Your username and name should include your first name and last initial and I recommend you set “Who is allowed to see this field?” to “All Members” so that only our class can identify you. Remember to save your username and password! Once you register, you should receive a confirmation email. I will then activate your account and you will be all set to read and write. For those of you who have previously taken classes with me, you will need to register again, but you can choose to use the same username and password. 
  4. You might find it useful to bookmark this site.

Looking forward to meeting you on Monday, January 27. Enjoy the rest of break!

Image courtesy of Karolina Szczur

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